We offer revolution of industrial engineering
We are Solustrid

What We Do

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Oil & Gas Equipment Calibration

Inaccurate measurement can lead to the risk of large financial losses whether at the exploration, production or distribution stage. We ensure the highest degree of measurement accuracy, reducing measurement uncertainties and helping maximize profits.

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NDT Services

We provide an array of NDT services to assist with integrity evaluation at fabrication, while in-service or at decommissioning stage. Our range of NDT services cover standard NDT methods and also some advanced techniques.

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Lifting Equipment Inspection

Lifting equipment inspection is our core service, to attain zero loss time incidence in the lifting industry. Odekole International Services Limited is at the forefront of the lifting equipment industry in Nigeria and throughout the world.

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OCTG Inspection

We offer BHA Inspection services on all drilling components utilized in the industry. Bottom Hole Assembly otherwise known as BHA inspections are carried out as per latest editions of DS-1 Cat 3-5 and API guidelines.

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We produce positive results from ever-growing Industrial & manufacturing estates.

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